Friday, May 28, 2004


My sleep was shatterd by blinding light
High and lifted up upon His throne
Was the great I AM and me alone

Jehova´s glory was all about
All heaven shook with the angel shout:
"Three times holy is this God of might"

Here am I - send me
Here am I - take me
Here am I - use me
Here am I - spend me
Send me, take me, use me, spend me,
I am not my own

His righteousness screams that I have sinned
Holy conviction rips me apart
A coal from the fire burns through to my heart

Clean was I by the holy King´s choice
Then all was still except for his voice
"Who will go for us? Whom shall i send"

Here am I - send me
Here am I - take me
Here am I - use me
Here am I - spend me
Send me, take me, use me, spend me,
I am not my own


(poetic interpretation of Isaiah 6, by One Bad Pig)